2013년 3월 27일 수요일

Make computer with one piece of paper 'Six Sense'

This is the first TED video I saw 2 years ago.

I was totally shock by this speech. I have experience of doing presentation at my PT club CrePAS. Explaining my major is to most hard topic I did. Audience don't know much about it so we have to use easy words also lots of examples. But this Pranav gives his speech with clean, easy, fun. His smile makes people relax and concentrate at his talk.

'Augmented Reality'
He use this concept to make six sense for people. We can follow the way he create this. At the speech he use one piece of paper to make his computer. Through this he thinks people be more closer with computer and he can give new sense to people.

The last is most moving. If he make this into business he can be a millionaire. But he has a plan to share this technology for everyone making it a open source. Also his dreaming to make 'six sense' for  disabled persons. Cooooooool

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